Dexion Hi280 multi-tier shelving is a system that is built with two or more storeys with an interposed mezzanine floor or walkways that rests on the shelving itself. The uprights used in the construction are designed to have heavy duty capabilities as the lower shelving acts as the support for the floor above. Made of pre-galvanised steel, the uprights can be full length (continuous frame) or single (continuous floor), depending on whether they take the weight of both levels of shelves and the access walkway or support the lower shelves and the mezzanine with free standing shelving units above.
As no pillars are required to support the interposed mezzanine floor or walkway (the Hi280 shelving does this), this provides more storage on the ground floor than standard shelving with a structural mezzanine above. In continuous floor installations a second tiered floor can also sometimes be installed as the thin steel grid floor allows for it, unlike thicker mezzanine floors which would prohibit it.

A multi tier installation requires careful specification as the total loads involved can be considerable. Because of this, the design of every multi tier installation needs to be individually calculated to ensure the highest possible safety.
The base of a multi-tier installation is the Hi280 shelving itself, built of EK uprights made of 1,2 mm pre-galvanized steel. The uprights can be either full length, where they support both levels of shelves and the access walkway, or single, when they support the lower shelves and a mezzanine with free standing shelving units above.
The individual components are standard Hi280 parts, but due to the specific demands and possible high loads the installation is completed with stabilizing bracing, though this can depend upon the height of the installation.