DLR Lexicon is the official name for the new Public Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown library and cultural centre in Dublin, Ireland, which is now opened to the public.

The name “Lexicon” was chosen as it stood for knowledge and words. The centre will house about 80,000 items, including books, CDs and DVDs, for people to borrow. More than 50 mobile devices such as laptops, iPads, and Kindles will be available for people to use.

Storage Systems Ltd were commissioned to supply, design and install, Library Furniture and Office Furniture to all floors within this building, custom made lockers with an electronic locking device accessed by the public and staff members, Sysco office shelving for staff office locations on each floor level and Electronic Mobile Shelving for the book storage floor level and top floor local study room accessed by the public.

This installation comprises of 500 bays of Compactus Dynamic Pro XTR Electronic Mobile Shelving with all shelves been 300mm deep to suit the storage of library books with each bay having a pull-out drawer unit for different types of media been stored. The total storage capacity of this installation is over 50,000 library books.

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